
Somedays Ye Olde Pirate Feels Like This...

Here ye preacher be, castigated and confused some days. I read This Timely and Convicting Blog Post by someone who at least sounds like they know what they are talking about. Apparently the only thing worst than being a pulpit minister is trying to start a ministry on your own. I have to work a full time job just to not even halfway support me family. Arrgh, I hate it cause while I am at work, people are drowning, needing support, needing food, needing accountability, and I am some place that will look at me cross-eyed if I start to preachin' too much. I also really relate to the part about having a "useless" degree. I make less money than a grease monkey because I don't have a good degree.

Yet there be a spark somewhere deep inside of me that won't let me quit, something that literally burns me up. And then when I prostrate myself before me creator, The Pirate Preacher says, make me different Lord, and the fire only grows hotter, much to my chagrin, I may add. I've known I was gonna be a preacher since I was sixteen, and it's been a rough time. We've come through a lot, yet keep pressing on... If I was a postman, I could just quit my job, yet I can't help getting into saddle ministerally speaking. I guess it's true what they say about this job, the pay sucks, but the retirement benefits are great!

Ye Old Pirate Preacher.

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