
Finding the Way, The Truth and The Life...

The Fajita O' The Lord makes a comment on an article by a cat named Preacher Mike. The Fajita and I share a common concern in this matter of where we should hold our allegiance. My ole Grandpappy (Sometimes known as "Jimmy the Viper")was a wise man (and a sailor), and he told his boy, me Pap (also a sailor), who then told me (though I am a sailor of the seas of culture and not the water) that God comes first. "God first, then family, then country"- to quote the grand old man himself. What an implication is contained therein! How we must convert our hearts! to Put God ahead of country... Hmmmm, Let's think and pray on what we must do now... and take some suggestions.

Let me suggest that one thing we could do is spend a little more money on the poor in our community and less on "Independence Day" Decorations.

And maybe we could think of it as "Interdependence Day" instead....

The blog Fajita Originally references is Preacher Mike's Blog

We Love you! -ARRRGGGHH!
Captain Lamewad


Fajita said...

aye mate, ye be linked.

dead thinker said...

Intresting Post by that Fajita person, I guess it's easier to point fingers and critic instead of examing yourself...speaking of examining myself, I will not speak in pirate but I will glady walk the plank for my faith in God

GB Hoyt said...

Ummm, I've got an idea!!!
Drop me a line, you rascal...